Wednesday, 20 June 2012


This weekend is the Wiggle Mountain Mayhem 24hr Mountain Bike race, so I'm dragging the family kicking and screaming to do the yearly pilgrimage to the Malvern Hills to
push myself to the limit next to thousands of like minded individuals. I will keep you informed of how well we do as a team next week. I'm part of a four man team this year which consists of myself, Lee Allen, Nidge Smith and new team member Sam Kirby. It's Sam's first Mayhem and we wish him the best of luck but are sure of his abilities and look forward to seeing him enjoy the experience and help us achieve a great result. I have also got mates Steve Hollis, Craig Mckay, Roy Tomlinson and a to be confirmed in another team with us, they are all good friends and well matched good riders so that will be good to watch too. There are lots of other friends and teams that we meet up with every year and I'm looking forward to seeing them all again. There are many web sites that give out tips about how to do well and training etc, but all that is too late to take up by now, you've done as much as you can. Some tips that can help fellow racers are, keep eating as normally as you would before any ride at home, drink plenty, have a strategy that you and your team can stick to, have a route to and from transition that you all stick to, always stand in the same agreed place in the transition area, be early to transition and use the time to warm up, If the next rider is not there to hand over to don't waste too much time shouting them either go back to your camp via the agreed route or do another lap.
If someone misses a swap over you could have a forfeit put in place, there's nothing like the fear of having to buy a round or two to make people be on time, but most of all the best tip of all is to Laugh, Laugh a lot, and enjoy the whole thing, don't take it too seriously, if you do that you have all won. See you there.

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